I dare you to spend the night in my haunted barn!

*Disclaimer- I am not liable if you disappear or are otherwise injured or possesed while staying on my property.

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you get to experience All This:

and maybe some of This:

Little did we know when we moved here, but this bit of land has a haunted history that we would love to share with you.

This area is the home of the Pickens County Horror, a legend made famous in a graphic novel penned by Mike Mignola, the creator of Hellboy.

The original builder of our home was killed in our basement by his son. He was blown up and set on fire by a sabotaged gas stove and then left to burn to death in the backyard.

There are strange noises and creatures that can be heard and sometimes seen at night.

Neighbors are sometimes menaced by…something, which is why you’ll sometimes hear gunshots in the wee hours of the night. Don't worry, we know the neighbors, and they're not shooting toward the barn or the house. It's the woods behind them where something lives.

The Liberty Boom is often heard at random times during day and night. No one knows what the Boom is, but it will shake the ground and buildings when it happens. It scared us to death when we first moved here. We thought the water heater had exploded.

We're more than happy to give you a short tour and describe the lay of the land when you arrive. This is a working farm, so there will be activity around the farm and the barns during the day. 

Have you ever wondered why things like camping or being out in the woods seem scarier at night? Check out this cool article from Atlas Obscura about it. Click HERE

Sleeping Areas
Have a stay in your tent or a hammock under our barn patio. There's room for two large tents at the space. We have hammock hooks on the posts and there are plenty of trees to set up in as well.

We have a gravity shower and a camp toilet onsite. You can refill the shower bag and any of your water containers at the spicket located at the back of our main house.
There's a picnic table for your use. Bring your own camp chairs.
There are electrical outlets at the site for anything you need to charge. 
Our Wifi doesn't reach the site, but the cell signal is strong. 
Most of the lighting is solar, so if there are a couple of cloudy days, they might turn off. We do have overhead lights hooked up to the power, because some lightin gis necessary to keep the creatures away.
A fire pit is located in front of the site for your use, unless local conditions are bad for fires.
A grocery store, gas station, and plenty of eateries are only a few miles away.
BYOS- Bring your own stove (or grill) for cooking.
Guests have their own parking spaces right off the main driveway. It's right beside the barns at the top of the hill, and a short hop down a slope to the site itself. It's well lit for nightime use and to keep the unwelcome creatures away.

Neighboring Properties
As you can guess, hillbillies and skinwalkers are very territorial. There are short trails on the property, but please obey all "No Trespassing " signs. 

Don’t be alarmed if you see the neighborhood donkey and horses in the front yard. They're pretty skittish and won't bother you. Just don't try to ride them.
We're also a Certified Wildlife Habitat and proud member of the Farmer Veteran Coalition. 
Various animals we've spotted on the farm include: black bears, skunks, coyotes, raccoons, opossum, hawks, crows, deer, turkeys, all kinds of snakes, scorpions, and a gazillion squirrels. 

Cars, regular trucks, and vans are welcome. Sorry, but there's not enough room for RVs. 

In addition to the haunted campsite, 
all guests will also receive:

South Carolina's Scariest Places- vol 1

All guests will receive a PDF copy of South Carolina's Scariest Places, written by me and edited by my sister Honey Tyler, a trained mortician and owner of Pushing Up Daisies.

This is more than just a travel book. It has journal and checklist pages built in, so you can create your own scary road trips around the state.
Book Description:
There are scary places everywhere, but most people don’t want to know about them. They avoid them. They pretend they don’t exist.

They act brave. But we know they’re there.

This book is for those brave souls who not only that scary places surround us, but venture further by seeking them out.

If you’d like to know more about South Carolina’s scary places, plan on visiting them, or want to make a road trip you might not return from, then this book is for you.

To purchase your own printed copy to take notes in and use as a scrapbook, click HERE.

$9.99 Value 

The Pickens County Horror

All guests will receive a PDF copy of The Pickens County Horror by Mike Mignola.

Events in this story are set around the area and possibly some on this farm and in the surrounding woods. I'll let you decide if it's a true story or just a legend.
Book Description:
In this horrific tale showing the world going to hell, a reclusive vampire clan and a deadly mist create a disastrous mission for a trespassing B.P.R.D. crew.

Mike Mignola is best known as the multiple award-winning creator, writer, and artist of "B.P.R.D." and "Hellboy". 

To purchase your own printed copy of the original comic (if out of print copies are available), click HERE.

$29.99 Value 

The Real Pickens County Horror

All guests will receive a PDF copy of The Real Pickens County Horror by me.

This is an addendum to the original work that includes photos, locations found in the original legend, and background information on the real story behind the legend.

To purchase your own printed copy, click HERE.

$9.99 Value 

Hillbilly Lovecraft

I am currently in the process of rewriting H.P. Lovecraft's stories with a focus on the Deep South, hillbillies, and the homegrown horrors found in the area.

Guests will be allowed to join a waitlist to receive a free PDF copy of the book when it is released.

A summary of Lovecraft's works, especially his most famous creation Cthulhu:
The hallmark of Lovecraft's work is cosmicism, the sense that ordinary life is a thin shell over a reality that is so alien and abstract in comparison that merely contemplating it would damage the sanity of the ordinary person, causing a sense of insignificance and powerlessness. 

$19.99 Value 

The Nine Lives of Frank Tipton

All guests will receive a PDF copy of The Nine Lives of Frank Tipton by my mother Teresa Powers.

Book Description:
The Nine Lives of Frank Tipton, is a black humor version of the Cinderella story set deep in the redneck south. Think My Name is Earl with a female lead and a lot of dead bodies. 

It’s complete with revenge, murder, mentally-challenged kids, and a love story. Audrey Peters is a hard working girl from a small backwater town in Virginia. Having never been lucky at love, she finally meets the man of her dreams, Frank Tipton, a hardworking city sanitation worker who is very proud of his job. 

Following a whirlwind romance she moves in with Frank into his modified motor home in Shady Holler Trailer Park, a mobile mansion, if you will. 

Within just a few short months, Audrey realizes Frank was not the man she fell in love with. A new girl comes on the scene and captures his attention. Jealousy rears it’s ugly head, and Audrey will make Frank pay. 

Audrey decides to kill Frank, but how can you kill your boyfriend when his friends keep getting in the way? Frank always said he had nine lives and she is starting to believe it. As she accidentally kills many of his friends in schemes meant for him, Audrey gets more determined than ever to knock Frank off. 

Though Audrey is cold-blooded killer, you’ll find yourself laughing, loving, and even cheering her on. You’ll even find yourself mourning Frank and his buddies at the dump.

To purchase your own printed copy or Teresa's other works of horror, click HERE.

$9.99 Value 

Please download the form to the right and fill it out prior to arrival.

Just right click on it and save the image. Then you can print it out.

Be sure to leave copies with your next of kin or emergency contacts.

Meet your host Dr. David Powers:

  • Decorated veteran of the Marine Corps and Army
  • ​Founding Member of the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security
  • ​Decorated veteran of the Marine Corps and Army
  • ​Board Certified in Emergency Crisis Response and Traumatic Stress
  • ​Father of five feral kids and rocks a fierce red beard

I would love to meet you. If you come up to the house for anything, I can be easily bribed with coffee or gummy bears!

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at drdave@redteamgoals.com.

For more information on the businesses we run from this farm, click HERE or on the image below.

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